Using the Map
You can view the intended learning outcomes in a number of ways.
The list based view
If you are new to the tool then you should start to explore it using the list-based option. Within this, you will find the outcomes listed in a number of ways:
For each component of the programme in a hierarchical structure that will be familiar to you. As you move down the hierarchy so the detailed ILOs for each component will be listed. So for example, you will be able to see the ILOs for a particular module (a component) and then for each PBL case (an activity). At each level, the relationship of the ILOs to TD2009 will be identified.
Expected Clinical Situations
The map contains 234 clinical situations that we would expect you to encounter during your learning in Phase 2, either through theoretical PBL cases or through your clinical experience. Some of these may be the main theme of a case or they may form part of a differential diagnosis. Some of the ECSs appear in Phase 1, as PBL cases. This listing allows you to see where in the programme you may encounter the ECSs.
Tomorrow"s Doctors
You can browse the list of ILOs categorized by TD2009 outcomes. Each component level ILO has been associated with one or more TD theme (Dr as Scientist and Scholar, Dr as Practitioner and Dr as Professional) and the sub-sections within each of these themes. Each activity level ILO has been associated with one or more component level ILO; in this way the activity level ILO inherits its association with the TD2009 outcomes from its "parent".
You can browse the list of ILOs categorized by Tuning tags in a similar way to the TD2009 outcomes. As the Tuning tags are subject based it gives an alternative way to explore the programme ILOs.
Map based view
You can explore the relationship between the activity level ILOs using the map based browsing. When you identify an ILO, for example by first browsing the lists you can then display the ILO on the map. The map will then display other activity level ILOs that are closely related based on the predefined relationships to TD2009. You can click on the map to explore the detail of each related ILO. In map view you can also search for an ILO - but please note the results are limited only to the activity level ILOs and do not include the component level ILOs.
You can search the database using key words, including parts of words. Some words will be matched with MESH terms to broaden the search. If you search within the list view then the search results will include component- and activity-level outcomes. If you search within the map view, the search will include only activity level outcomes.